Temps de lecture : 18 minutes
↑1, ↑2, ↑3 | United Nations. (2023). Il faut agir davantage pour promouvoir le rôle des femmes dans la paix et la sécurité mondiales, plaide l’ONU. https://news.un.org/fr/story/2023/10/11400222 |
↑4, ↑12, ↑13, ↑24, ↑49 | Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU. https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑5, ↑7, ↑28, ↑29 | United Nations. (n.d.). Les Femmes, la paix et la sécurité | département des affaires politiques et consolidation de la paix. https://dppa.un.org/fr/women-peace-and-security |
↑6, ↑9, ↑10 | Français du monde – ADFE. (26 novembre 2022). Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits. [Fichier vidéo]. http : Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits – YouTube |
↑8 | United Nations. (n.d.). Les Femmes, la paix et la sécurité | département des affaires politiques et consolidation de la paix. https://dppa.un.org/fr/women-peace-and-security)). Elles visent à adopter « une démarche genrée dans les contextes de guerre, de post conflits, de paix et de pérennisation de la paix((Français du monde – ADFE. (26 novembre 2022). Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits. [Fichier vidéo]. http : Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits – YouTube |
↑11 | Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU. https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑14 | «any act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and is based on gender norms and unequal power relationships»] Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU. https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑15 | United Nations. (n.d.). Les Femmes, la paix et la sécurité | département des affaires politiques et de la consolidation de la paix. https://dppa.un.org/fr/women-peace-and-security |
↑16, ↑40, ↑41, ↑42, ↑43, ↑44 | Trithart, A. (2020). The women, peace, and security agenda is not just for straight, cisgender women. IPI Global Observatory.https://theglobalobservatory.org/2020/10/the-women-peace-and-security-agenda-is-not-just-for-straight-cisgender-women/ |
↑17 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability. LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf(outrightinternational.org |
↑18 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability. LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf (outrightinternational.org |
↑19 | «women’s independence and queer people’s sexual and gender diversity were both conjured as threats to Houthi ascendancy. Violence, including sexual violence, was justified as a means to both purify the society and eliminate dissent»] Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability.LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf(outrightinternational.org |
↑20 | [«20 percent of lesbians in a survey reported exclusion from family events and 25 percent had changed accommodation to escape prejudice in their neighbourhoods»] Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). “Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice”. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120.https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |
↑21, ↑23 | Caribe Afirmativo (n. d.). The Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition presents the Volume of experiences of women and LGBTIQ+ people in the Colombian armed conflict. https://caribeafirmativo.lgbt/the-commission-for-the-clarification-of-truth-coexistence-and-non-repetition-presents-the-volume-of-experiences-of-women-and-lgbtiq-people-in-the-colombian-armed-conflict/ |
↑22 | Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). “Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice”. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |
↑25 | [«acted as arbiters of gender relations, causing many to flee their homes following threats and harassment as well as public humiliation»] Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120 https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |
↑26, ↑27 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability.LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf (outrightinternational.org |
↑30 | Beilouny, E. (2022). Assad’s Post-conflict Narratives: an Obstacle to Women’s Rights in Syria. Institut du Genre en Géopolitique. Assad’s Post-conflict Narratives: an Obstacle to Women’s Rights in Syria – Institut du Genre en Géopolitique(igg-geo.org |
↑31 | [« gender-sensitive »]OECD. (2018). OECD toolkit for mainstreaming and implementing gender equality: 4.https://www.oecd.org/gov/toolkit-for-mainstreaming-and-implementing-gender-equality.pdf |
↑32 | [« gender-transformative »]CFFP and Berghof Foundation. (2023). Towards Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Groups in the Women, Peace, and Security Architecture – A Practical Guidebook. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Berghof Foundation. Berlin. https://berghof-foundation.org/library/guidebook-lgbtqi-wps |
↑33 | [ « women face many and varied forms of discrimination including being a member of religious, cultural, ethnic, LGBTQI+ and migrant communities and as a result of experiencing a disability »] Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability. LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf (outrightinternational.org |
↑34 | [« homogenous category, who are not also affected and involved in allied structural inequalities »] Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens (pp. 1–71):12. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑35 | [« using intersectionality in conflict studies is a pragmatic way of detecting silences about the realities of women’s lives, and the injustice of ignoring their deaths »] Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens: 13. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑36 | Conciliation Resources. (2021). Women, gender, peace and security. https://www.c-r.org/programme/women-gender-peace-and-security |
↑37 | [« Unequal power relations, harmful norms, exclusionary systems and gender-based violence are associated with increased vulnerability to conflict and the use of more severe forms of violence. Understanding these dynamics allows us to uncover more transformational and sustainable pathways to peace.»] Conciliation Resources. (2021). Women, gender, peace and security. https://www.c-r.org/programme/women-gender-peace-and-security |
↑38 | [ « to be masculine, and/or eradicating hierarchies of value between and among masculinities and femininities » ] Wright, H. (2019).“Masculinities perspectives”: Advancing a radical women, peace and security agenda? International Feminist Journal of Politics, 22(5), 652–674.https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2019.1667849 |
↑39 | [ « on equality, empathy, and solidarity » ] Wright, H. (2019). “Masculinities perspectives”: Advancing a radical women, peace and security agenda? International Feminist Journal of Politics, 22(5), 652–674.https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2019.1667849 |
↑45, ↑54 | Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU.https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑46 | [«approaches should be framed by critical analysis that uncovers who are the women and what are the specifics of gendered insecurity for them that processes of development, peace, and security should be tailored to in this social context.»] Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens: 14 http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑47 | [« additional factors other than gender must also be considered in Sweden’s work, such as age, geographic location, socio-economic status, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnic affiliation, disability, education level, faith and religion. »] Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens: 4. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑48 | CFFP and Berghof Foundation. (2023). Towards Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Groups in the Women, Peace, and Security Architecture – A Practical Guidebook. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Berghof Foundation. Berlin.https://berghof-foundation.org/library/guidebook-lgbtqi-wps |
↑50 | Olivius, E., Hedström, J., & Mar Phyo, Z. (2022). Feminist peace or state co-optation? the women, peace and security agenda in Myanmar. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), 25–43.https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821×16359327302509 |
↑51, ↑56 | Olivius, E., Hedström, J., & Mar Phyo, Z. (2022). Feminist peace or state co-optation? the women, peace and security agenda in Myanmar. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), 25–43. https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821×16359327302509 |
↑52 | [« that means they have to make a choice whether to speak the truth in a very strong manner, or not speaking about the whole truth so that they can continue to operate.»] Olivius, E., Hedström, J., & Mar Phyo, Z. (2022). Feminist peace or state co-optation? the women, peace and security agenda in Myanmar. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), 25–43: 53. https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821×16359327302509 |
↑53 | [« as anti-gender forces such as Russia, the Vatican, and other powerful lobbying powers would leverage their power to block the process in any capacity they can»] CFFP and Berghof Foundation. (2023). Towards Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Groups in the Women, Peace, and Security Architecture – A Practical Guidebook. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Berghof Foundation. Berlin: 90.https://berghoffoundation.org/library/guidebook-lgbtqi-wps |
↑55 | Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). “Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice”. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |