Temps de lecture : 7 minutes
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↑8 | Banque Mondiale, Population active, femmes (% de la population active) – Indonésie, 2021. https://donnees.banquemondiale.org/indicator/SL.TLF.TOTL.FE.ZS?locations=ID |
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↑10, ↑12, ↑17 | Cowater International, Automisation des femmes indonésiennes afin de réduire la pauvreté (MAMPU), https://www.cowater.com/fr/project/autonomisation-des-femmes-indonesiennes-afin-de-reduire-la-pauvrete-mampu/ |
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↑14 | United Women, Explainer: How gender inequality and climate change are interconnected, février 2022. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/explainer/2022/02/explainer-how-gender-inequality-and-climate-change-are-interconnected |
↑15 | UNDP, Climate promise, Indonesia, 2022. https://climatepromise.undp.org/fr/what-we-do/where-we-work/indonesie |
↑16 | UNDP, Indonesia: gender focused climate financing heart, 2022. https://www.undp.org/indonesia/blog/gender-focused-climate-financing-heart-south-south-workshop |