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COP26 : A closer look at the progress made on gender

25.03.2022 Avril Chanel There is growing evidence that climate change exacerbates existing structural inequalities, has a more severe impact on the poorest and the most vulnerable communities, and especially affects women. For…

Women And Peacebuilding: Narratives From South Asia

07.02.22 Aparna Rajeev While the past few decades have seen a significant decline in interstate wars, a large number of countries have been grappling with intrastate conflicts of varying severity and duration,…

Kamala Harris, between history and hope

24.01.2022 Written by : Julie Lavaire  Translated by : Chloé Lusven On January 6th, 2021, Kamala Harris became vice-president of the United States of America, with president Joe Biden by her side.…

« ¡El Estado opresor es un macho violador! » Gender violence perpetuated by the state as a test of social protest in Colombia

09.01.2022 Written by : Pauline Marquis Translated by : Kaouther Bouhi Allison, Maria Jovita, Angie Johanna, Julia[1]List of homicide victims during the national strike in Colombia, 28/05/2021, http://www.indepaz.org.co/victimas-de-violencia-homicida-en-el-marco-del-paro-nacional/… victims of police violence, perished…