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Conversion therapy

Conversion therapy Read Pauline Beyler’s report on conversion therapy here To cite this work: Pauline BEYLER, « Les thérapies de conversion », 26.10.2020, Institut du Genre en Géopolitique.


Masculinities Read the technical sheet written by Clémence Jonchère about masculinities here To cite this work: Clémence JONCHÈRE, « Les masculinités », 05.01.2021, Institut du Genre en Géopolitique.

International sexual mobilities

International sexual mobilities To read the report written by Isaline Mallet on international sexual mobilities: here.

Interview with ILGA World

Interview with ILGA World 03.30.2021 Interview conducted by Alice Apostoly & Déborah Rouach Julia Ehrt: ILGA World started in 1978, we are a membership-based organization meaning that we have members across the…

Interview with Excision, Parlons-en!

Interview with Excision, Parlons-en ! 12.01.2021 Interview conducted by Lucile Carrouée  Moïra Sauvage is a former independent journalist and an essayist who specialises mostly in women’s rights and violence against women. She…