4/07/2023 Taïmé Pacalon Translated by Manon Picot As early as 1911, the first works of Chinese sexology ignored sexual relations between people of the same sex[1]Monteil, L. (2014, novembre 27). Usages et…
08.09.2023 Emma Beilouny The study of masculinity has often been overlooked in Iranian history and scholarship, rendering men the « invisible gender » in the conceptual sense. As Thomas Lacquer, historian and sexologist, suggests,…
12/12/2022 Clara Delhaye Translated by Bertille Fitamant With the Football World Cup, Qatar is currently at the centre of all debates, whether in terms of respect for the environment, the rights of…
27/08/2023 Vani Bhardwaj Feminist economics implies transformative action[1]Agenjo-Caledron, A., Galvez-Munoz, L. (2019). ‘Feminist Economics: Theoretical and Political Dimensions’. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Volume 78. Issue 1. … Continue reading as…
27/08/2023 Vani Bhardwaj Feminist economics implies transformative action[1]Agenjo-Caledron, A., Galvez-Munoz, L. (2019). ‘Feminist Economics: Theoretical and Political Dimensions’. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Volume 78. Issue 1. … Continue reading as…
26/03/2023Original: French Written by: Mathilde Verrier Translated by: Lisa Selmadji Despite growing claims for the recognition and acquisition of rights as well as for the protection of LGBTQIA+ persons worldwide, homosexual relationships…
Les religions monothéistes et leurs rapports à l’avortement : états des lieux d’une situation plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît (2/3) 24.05.2020 Translated on 01.08.2023 Armand Taï We have seen in the previous…
31/07/2023 Ilona Barrero The theory and concept of state feminism originated mainly in Nordic countries, and is used to refer to the alliances formed between women’s policy activists and liberal democratic regimes…
29.07.2023 Ilona Barrero Southeast Asia as a region grapples strongly with gender discrimination, poverty, leading to early marriages for young girls, adolescent pregnancies, and high maternal mortality rates. This region has one…
The Central Asian region, made up of five authoritarian states, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, is facing tensions over natural resources, especially water, which is essential to agriculture. Women, who play…