Temps de lecture : 17 minutes
↑1, ↑2, ↑5 | Luxmoore M., (21 août 2020). As Lukashenka clings to power, his trusty machismo is losing its allure, Radio Free Europe, https://www.rferl.org/a/as-lukashenka-clings-to-power-his-trusty-machismo-is-losing-its-allure/30795991.html |
↑3 | « Golos platform: Tsikhanouskaya defeated Lukashenko in 1st round of presidential election« (2020), Voice of Belarus.: https://belarus2020.org/election |
↑4 | Belarus Women’s Foundation. Svetlana Tsikhanouvskaya, Maria Kolesnikova and Veronika Tserpkalo are already nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, https://belaruswomen.org/ru/news/svetlana-tikhanovskaya-maria-kolesnikova-and-veronika-tsepkalo-are-already-nominated-for-the-nobel-peace-prize |
↑6 | Statista. Results of the presidential election in Belarus on August 9, 2020 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1147363/belarus-presidential-election-results/ |
↑7 | D’autres instances le considèrent comme tel, comme le Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik. |
↑8 | Borillo D. (2022). Le genre et la guerre. War in the 21st century, London, Royaume-Uni, https://hal.science/hal-03916852/ |
↑9 | L’expression culture de guerre est cependant généralement utilisée pour parler de la Première Guerre mondiale. Rousseau F. (dir.), (2004). Guerres, paix et sociétés, 1911-1946, Neuilly, Atlande,, p. 667-67 |
↑10 | Viasna Human Rights Center. (19 Octobre 2023). Shot in knees and jailed: what Belarusians risks for their anti-war stance https://spring96.org/en/news/110533 |
↑11 | Народныя амбасады Беларусі (16 août 2021), One year ago the largest protests in the history of Belarus took place https://belarusabroad.org/en/2021/08/one-year-ago-the-largest-protests-in-the-history-of-belarus-took-place/ |
↑12 | Sierakowski S, « Belarus Uprising: The Making of a Revolution« . Journal of Democracy, vol. 31, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 5-16. https://www.journalofdemocracy.org/articles/belarus-uprising-the-making-of-a-revolution/ |
↑13 | Hosa J, (20 août 2020), Lukashenka’s disdain for women was his big mistake. New Eastern Europe. https://neweasterneurope.eu/2020/08/20/lukashenkas-disdain-for-women-was-his-big-mistake/ |
↑14 | Lukashenko’s Belarus is a perfect example of the machismo and misogyny at the heart of authoritarian regimes, écrivait Maryna Koktysh (08 mars 2013). Dictatorship: it’s a man’s game. Index of Censorship |
↑15 | Sukhov O. (26 août 2020). How a women’s revolution is testing Belarus’s dictator. EU Observer https://euobserver.com/world/149232 |
↑16, ↑17 | Amnesty International, (17 juillet 2020) Belarus: Misogyny and discrimination fuels vicious campaign against activists ahead of election https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/07/belarus-misogyny-and-discrimination-fuels-vicious-campaign-against-activists-ahead-of-election/ |
↑18 | Krol E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Ghent University. https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑19 | Goldsmith B. (17 août 2020). Women in white from Belarus protest globally for peace and new vote. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-belarus-election-women-idUSKCN25D1LI |
↑20 | En Russie et au Bélarus, le 8 mars a une signification complètement différente. Si cette journée est apparue en URSS comme une célébration féministe, elle est aujourd’hui plus proche d’un mélange entre la fête des mères et la St Valentin. Au niveau officiel, rien n’en subsiste comme une journée des droits des femmes. Voir les voeux de Lukashenko le 8 mars 2013, https://president.gov.by/en/events/alexander-lukashenko-sends-womens-day-greetings-5756 Verita Sriratana, (2023) « The Straight and Strong man’s burden« : an Analysis of Benevolent Sexism as Strong man’s Misogyny in International Women’s Day Speeches from Leaders of Belarus, Russia and Thailand« , Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University https://wsc.soc.cmu.ac.th/journal/readissue.php?id=340 |
↑21 | Marina Mentusova https://www.wilsoncenter.org/person/marina-mentusova У спісах я была з пазнакай аб злачынствах супраць дзяржавы». Арганізатарка жаночых акцый, якая жыла ў Маскве, тэрмінова з’ехала адтуль (16 septembre 2021). Nasha Niva https://nashaniva.com/?c=ar&i=277955 |
↑22 | Paulovich N. (2021). How Feminist is the Belarusian Revolution? Female Agency and Participation in the 2020 Post-Election Protests. Slavic Review, 80(1), 38–44 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/slavic-review/article/how-feminist-is-the-belarusian-revolution-female-agency-and-participation-in-the-2020-postelection-protests/ECE7FA8535DEEA370ED0F6B48F43E303 |
↑23 | Anna Colin-Lebedev (15/09/2020) La Biélorussie vit une révolution féminine, pas féministe. France 24 |
↑24 | Filia. (21 septembre 2020). Women and Feminism in Belarus: the truth behind the flower power: an interview with Irina Solomatina by Luba Fein. https://www.filia.org.uk/latest-news/2020/9/21/women-and-feminism-in-belarus-the-truth-behind-the-flower-power |
↑25 | Atlas Corps. (10 octobre 2020). The Rising of the Feminist Movement in Belarus. https://atlascorps.org/the-raising-of-the-feminist-movement-in-belarus/ |
↑26 | Amnesty International. #StandWithBelarus, Belarus: Women on the Front Line. https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/belarus_women-on-the-front-line_web-1.pdf |
↑27 | Human Rights Watch. (2021). Belarus: Unprecedented crackdown https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/01/13/belarus-unprecedented-crackdown |
↑28 | Berman R. et al. (22 février 2021) Women to the front instrumentalizing gender roles in Belarus, Praxis: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security https://sites.tufts.edu/praxis/2021/02/22/women-to-the-front-instrumentalizing-gender-roles-in-belarus/ |
↑29 | Я против женщин не воюю». 10 белорусок, которых репрессировали после этих слов Лукашенко, (22 Juilliet 2022). Udf.BY https://udf.name/news/sobytie/245853-ja-protiv-zhenschin-ne-vojuju-10-belorusok-kotoryh-repressirovali-posle-jetih-slov-lukashenko.html |
↑30 | Femgroup signifie ici « groupe du conseil de coordination pour le transfert de pouvoir. Ce groupe a été créé pour s’assurer que les femmes soient investies dans tous les processus liés au changement de pouvoir. Source : St John Murphy A. (6 novembre 2020). Belarusian protests: feminized, but feminists?, The Conversationalist. https://conversationalist.org/2020/11/06/the-belarusian-protests-feminized-but-feminist/ |
↑31 | Filia. (21 septembre 2020). Women and Feminism in Belarus: the truth behind the flower power: an interview with Irina Solomatina by Luba Fein. https://www.filia.org.uk/latest-news/2020/9/21/women-and-feminism-in-belarus-the-truth-behind-the-flower-power |
↑32 | United Nations. (26 octobre 2021). Women under fire in Belarus, activists tortured and exiled. https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/10/110409 |
↑33 | United Nations Office of the Human Rights Commissioner. (25 octobre 2021). Belarus: Women paying heavy price for human rights – UN expert https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/10/belarus-women-paying-heavy-price-standing-human-rights-un-expert |
↑34 | Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations in New York. (22 octobre 2021). Women and girls in Belarus. https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/un-new-york/women-and-girls-belarus_en?s=63 |
↑35 | Anufriyenka A. (9 août 2022). Belarusian Opposition Leader « We underestimated the the Cruelty of the Lukashenko’s regime, Radio Svoboda. https://www.rferl.org/a/belarus-opposition-tsikhanouskaya/31978921.html |
↑36 | Anastasiya Astapova, Vasil Navumau, Ryhor Nizhnikau & Leonid Polishchuk (2022) Authoritarian Cooptation of Civil Society: The Case of Belarus, Europe-Asia Studies, 74:1, 1-30, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2021.2009773 |
↑37 | Eichler, M. (2014). Militarized masculinities in international relations. Brown J. World Aff., 21, 81 https://www.jstor.org/stable/24591032 |
↑38 | Belarus Polls, (07 juillet 2022). Tenth survey wave https://en.belaruspolls.org/wave-10 |
↑39 | Human Rights Watch (12 janvier 2023), Belarus: Zone of Repression. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/01/12/belarus-zone-repression |
↑40 | Viasna Human Rights Center (19/10/2023). Shot in knees and jailed: what Belarusians risks for their anti-war stance https://spring96.org/en/news/110533 |
↑41 | Human Constanta. (21 août 2023). Overview of the fight against « extremism« in Belarus for April-June 2023 https://humanconstanta.org/en/overview-of-the-fight-against-extremism-in-belarus-for-april-june-2023/ |
↑42 | Shraibman A.(14 novembre 2023). Belarus Gears Up for Election and New People’s Assembly. Carnegie Politika. https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/91004 |
↑43 | Russian and Belarusian women are leading the anti-war movement. (1er juin 2022). Inkstick. https://inkstickmedia.com/russian-and-belarusian-women-are-leading-the-anti-war-movement/ |
↑44 | Wilson Center. (23/03/2022). Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian Women in the anti-war movement https://gbv.wilsoncenter.org/event/ukrainian-belarusian-and-russian-women-anti-war-movement |
↑45 | C’est jusqu’à un tiers des femmes ukrainiennes qui ont témoigné avoir été victimes ou témoins de violence. Pardini V., (17 mai 2022) Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian women. The Gender Security Project https://www.gendersecurityproject.com/post/ukrainian-belarusian-and-russian-women-and-the-anti-war-movement |
↑46 | Sharova V. (2022). Feminism as an anti war strategy and practice: the case of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine« , Studies in East European thought, 74 (4):521-534 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11212-022-09520-y |
↑47 | Krol E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑48 | Krol E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑49 | Krol E. (2022). How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑50 | ar exemple Krol E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf Sriratana V. (2023) « The Straight and Strong man’s burden« : an Analysis of Benevolent Sexism as Strong man’s Misogyny in International Women’s Day Speeches from Leaders of Belarus, Russia and Thailand« , Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University https://wsc.soc.cmu.ac.th/journal/readissue.php?id=340 |
↑51 | Frear M. (2021). Better to be a Dictator than Gay: Homophobic Discourses in Belarusian Politics. Europe-Asia Studies. Vol. 73. pp. 1467-1486 |
↑52 | Si la loi ne les empêche pas d’entrer dans l’armée, l’homosexualité y est vue comme un trouble mental. https://www.equaldex.com/region/belarus Disease of being gay: how military office send gays to psychiatric (06/07/2023). Euradio. https://euroradio.fm/en/queer-army-belarus |
↑53 | En effet, si cela peut être considéré comme retournant la rhétorique de Poutine ou de Lukashenko contre eux, représenter Poutine comme gay est aussi dénoncé comme homophobe. Voir Brammer John Paul. (16 juillet 2018). Your homophobic « Trump and Putin Gay Lovers« aren’t funny. Them. https://www.them.us/story/your-homophobic-trump-and-putin-are-gay-lovers-jokes-arent-funny |
↑54 | .(16 juin 2021), Is there actually a bromance between Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko?, Gzero https://www.gzeromedia.com/gzero-world-clips/is-there-actually-a-bromance-between-vladimir-putin-and-alexander-lukashenko |
↑55 | Krol Emma. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Studies, Ghent University https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf Sciences, https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑56 | Par exemple, Pardini V. (17 mai 2022) Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian women. The Gender Security Project https://www.gendersecurityproject.com/post/ukrainian-belarusian-and-russian-women-and-the-anti-war-movement |
↑57 | Anna Colin-Lebedev. (15 septembre 2020). La Biélorussie vit une révolution féminine, pas féministe. France 24 https://www.france24.com/fr/europe/20200915-anne-colin-lebedev-la-bi%C3%A9lorussie-vit-une-r%C3%A9volution-f%C3%A9minine-pas-f%C3%A9ministe |
↑58 | Wilson Center (23/03/2022). Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian Women in the anti-war movement https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/ukrainian-belarusian-and-russian-women-anti-war-movement |
↑59 | Wilson Center (23/03/2022). Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian Women in the anti-war movement https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/ukrainian-belarusian-and-russian-women-anti-war-movement |
↑60 | Lien vers la chaîne télégram: https://t.me/s/souzmaterey |
↑61 | Belarus Polls. (7 juillet /2022). Результаты десятой волны исследования https://belaruspolls.org/wave-10 |
↑62 | Novaya Gazeta Evropa (17 octobre 2023). Мы добиваемся того, чтобы Беларусь и Россию не клали в одну корзину https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/10/17/my-dobivaemsia-togo-chtoby-belarus-i-rossiiu-ne-klali-v-odnu-korzinu |
↑63 | Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya a par exemple initié ou sponsorisé au moins deux conférences sur cette perspective. https://tsikhanouskaya.org/en/event/the-decolonization-of-education-and-research-in-belarus-and-ukraine-theoretical-challenges-and-practical-tasks / https://tsikhanouskaya.org/en/events/news/edb5f1f2d459d38.html |
↑64 | Lashden T. (2023). Feminists Strike Back: Decolonial Anti-War Resistance in Belarus and Russia. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | Global Unit for Feminism and Gender Democracy https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/boell-feminism-and-gender-democracy/ |
↑65 | Krol E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Ghent University https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑66 | Krol E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Ghent University https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |
↑67 | Krol ,E. (2022). « How the fathers of the nation became its domestic abusers: The relationship between hegemonic masculinity and authoritarianism, using the case of Aleksander Lukashenko in Belarus« , Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Ghent University https://libstore.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/003/119/086/RUG01-003119086_2023_0001_AC.pdf |