LGBT+ community in Brazil, stuck in between (in)visibility and rejection: How is the Brazilian LGBT+ community in the middle of political, cultural and social rift?

Temps de lecture : 12 minutes

LGBT+ community in Brazil, stuck in between (in)visibility and rejection:
How is the Brazilian LGBT+ community in the middle of political, cultural and social rift?

Illustratrice Yona. Instagram : @welcome_univers

May 15, 2020

Written by Julia Canterini
Translated by Julie Penverne

In 2011, Jair Bolsonaro, member of parliament at the time, stated in Playboy magazine : “I would be unable to love my son if he was a homosexual. I would rather have him die in an accident than show up with a bear”[1]“Entrevista Jair Bolsonaro”, Playboy Brasil (2011 Juin) He added: “If I see two men kissing in the streets, I’m going to beat them up”. Although Rio de Janeiro has long been seen as an ideal holiday destination for the LGBT+ community, the recent election of Jair Bolsonaro at the head of the country has proved that hostility towards the community in Brazil has far from disappeared.

A « gay-friendly » front for a forefront culture

Not only has Brazil long benefited from its open minded reputation, it also hosts the largest LGBT+ community in Latin America. Rio de Janeiro, elected in 2009 as “best gay friendly destination in the word[2]Brissart, Violaine. (2019 Novembre 20). « Rio de Janeiro joue la carte gay ». Consulté sur … Continue reading” by MTV, is full of parties and meeting spots for the LGBT+ community, especially Ipanema.

Every year, Sao Paolo, highest agglomeration in Latin America, welcomes the biggest Pride parade in the world. In 2010, “A Parada do Orgulho LGBT[3]The LGBT Pride Parade.”, which has been part of the parade since 1997 on Avenida Paulista[4]João Silvério Trevisan, Exposition «Devassos no Paraíso: o Brasil mostra sua cara» (2019), Museo da Diversidade , has gathered over three million people. In 2017, the “LGBT tourism” in the country experienced a 11% rise while general tourism only rose 3,5%[5]Fabre S. , (2019 Juin 12) “Pourquoi le Tourisme gay fait de plus en plus rêver les voyagistes?”, pour … Continue reading. LGBT+ tourism is defined as “a type of targeted tourism marketed to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people (LGBT). It offers its own client-specific activities, allowing a degree of liberty and security regarding destinations and touristic housing, either specifically homosexual or “gay friendly”[6]Wikipedia page “Tourisme gay »”.

In 2012, the Federal Culture Minister of Sao Paulo also created the Museum of Sexual Diversity[7]Museo da Diversidade Sexual, [site Web]. Consulté le 08/05/2020., aimed to be the “First cultural equipment in America linked to the theme[8]“Cultural Centers” section of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo consulted on 08/05/2020 … Continue reading”. The MDS, also referred to as the Centre for Culture, Memory and Studies on Sexual Diversity in the State of Sao Paulo, has several objectives. These include the will to guarantee both the preservation and promotion of the Brazilian LGBT+ community’s cultural legacy, as well as the fight for its recognition in social, economic and cultural constructs in the city and the country. The museum defines its motivations and ambitions as “encompassing its important and transformative role within the Brazilian culture, this governmental space aims to preserve the social, political and cultural legacy of the Brazilian LGBT+ community through the research, safe keeping and communication of (im)material references, with the goal of promoting and giving visibility to sexual diversity, contributing to educating and promoting full citizenship and human rights’ culture[9]Museo da Diversidade Sexual, [ Website]. consulted on 08/05/2020.”.

The yearly Carnival has greatly contributed to the becoming of Rio and Sao Paulo as cities which offer a great LGBT+ visibility. For about a month, “blocos de rua[10]Street blocks” are taking place, night and day. These refer to gatherings and popular parades. This year, Sao Paulo has organised over five dozens LGBT+ blocos, including some of city’s most important ones. Amongst the five women you created the “Bloco a Diversidade[11]Diversity Block” in 2010, Isabela Cardas believes that the creation of the blocs displays a show of force in favor of the LGBT+ community. Moreover, she adds that the blocs also create a welcoming space for he community, in an event which casts a light upon Brazilian culture for the world to see. “The Carnival itself is already a very political and democratic celebration, which encompasses people of all kind in one place, which is amazing in and out of itself. As an LGBT+ person, having a space of representation in the Carnival is essential to show that we are together and that our strength is greater than the use of force. Everything gets political when you are a women, and everything is political when you are part of the LGBT+ community.[12]Vanessa Gonzaga (2020, February 21), « Blocos LGBT pautam diversidade e combate ao preconceito no Carnaval» for Brasil de Fato … Continue reading

Visibility for the LGBT+ community in Brazilian culture can also be seen through tv shows such as telenovelas, very popular in Latin America, where LGBT+ characters are often featured. Although in 1998, the telenovela Torre de Babel had to revise its script and take out two feminine characters whose relationship the audience did not liked[13]Writing, “The place of homosexuals in Brazilian telenovelas”, Le Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, July 24) … Continue reading, things have greatly improved since then. In 2014, a kiss shared between two men first appeared in Amor a Vida[14]Globo (2014, January 31) « Final de ‘Amor à vida’ tem primeiro beijo gay em novela da Globo » … Continue reading, the most successful telenovela at the time. More recently, Liberdade, Liberdade, which airs on Globo and is at the top of audience scores in Brazil, introduced, for the first time in Brazilian television history, a sex scene between two men[15]Writing, “The place of homosexuals in Brazilian telenovelas”, Le Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, July 24) … Continue reading. Even though many organisations have condemned the caricatural representation of both gay characters as pawns for comic or dramatic relief, this scene was acclaimed as a true victory and a symbol of a (re)discovered equality between homosexual and heterosexual couples. For instance, the day it was aired for the first time, Federal member of Parliament Jean Wyllys had qualified this scene as “historic[16]Writing, “The place of homosexuals in Brazilian telenovelas”, L e Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, July 24) … Continue reading”. Jean Wyllys is the 2005 winner of Big Brother Brazil (also known as BBB) season 5, an extremely successful reality show for the past 20 years. He was the first openly gay man to compete in the show and later acknowledged: “It had a great political relevance at the time, I said I was a homosexual in a homophobic country and yet I still won the show.[17]Phillips T. (2012 January 27) “Jean Wyllys, Brazil’s first openly gay MP, takes fight to the religious right” for The Guardian : … Continue reading

A culture of homophobic violence supported by state and religious institutions

According to the NGO Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB)[18]Association Grupo Gay da Bahia[19]Gay group of the Bahia region, despite an increase in visibility in various sectors for the community, Brazil remains the country with the highest scores of LGBTphobic murders in the world (one person killed every 6 hours in 2017) [20]Stop Homophobia, (2019, June 22), “Brazil: an LGBTphobic assassination every 16 hours on average” … Continue reading[21]Alert barometer on the human rights situation in Brazil, 2019, by Coalition Solidarité Brésil. With its highly patriarchal and Christian culture, the country even experienced an increase of 62% for crimes targeting the LGBT+ community between 2007 and 2009. According to ANTRA[22]ANTRA Association (National Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender People), transgender people, 80% of which are black, mixed race and come from the lower class, are the first victims in these murders. Their life expectancy is stuck at 35 years, while the rest of the population benefits of a much higher 74,9[23]Rédaction, « Jair Bolsonaro, l’épouvantail de la communauté LGBT de Rio », Le Monde (2018, Novembre 05), disponible sur : … Continue reading.

Although the justice system allowed for psychologists to offer “conversions therapies” in 2017, despite their ban in 1999[24]Vigna A., (2017 Septembre 20) « Brésil : tollé après l’autorisation de “thérapies de conversion” pour les homosexuels » pour Franceinfo, disponible sur : … Continue reading[25]Conselho Federal de Psicologia (2019 June), Tentativas de Aniquilamento de Subjetividades LGBTIs, the Supreme Court took a step forward on the 13th June 2019[26]Rédaction, « Brésil : la Cour suprême criminalise l’homophobie », Le Monde (2019 Juin 14) … Continue reading, officially criminalising homophobia. However, this decision was not warmly welcomed in Congress, made up of a conservative majority under the influence of the Church. Whereas justice seems to be in favour of condemning homophobia, the executive and parliamentary powers support it.

In his crusade against progressists ideas, president Jair Bolsonaro seems to be doing everything in his power to prevent LGBT+ cultural productions from taking place. Brazilian artists are outraged by the cancelled shows and compromised financing, the face of censorship in this cultural war[27]AFP, (2019, Décembre 20) « Bolsonaro, un an de contre-révolution culturelle au Brésil » pour Le Point disponible sur … Continue reading. The election of the man who describes himself as an enemy against “gendered ideology” and as the protector of traditional family values has triggered a new wave of liberated homophobia in the country.

James Green, a professor of Modern History of Latin America and Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, Rhode Island, stated: “You cannot study homosexuality without understanding gender, as homosexuality is a direct confrontation with society’s gender constructs. Lesbians who do not fit into the traditional norms of passive women and gays who do not fit within masculine norms come in conflict with the organisation of the patriarchal society and traditional family[28]José Gatti entrevista James Green (2000), Mais amor e mais tesão: história da homossexualidade no Brasil ”. Although this quote reflects the importance of the LGBT+ community in gender issues, it also demonstrates how Brazil, deeply rooted into religious institutions, is an ideal fertile ground for homophobia. State institutions and laws dangerously mingle with religious powers[29]Vianna T. “Faire de l’Etat laïque une réalité» Revista forum n° 92 (2010, Novembre) traduit par Roger Guilloux pour Autres Brésils … Continue reading. Even though Brazil is a secular society, it remains the biggest catholic country in the world[30]Oualalou L., (2013 Juillet 21) “Le plus grand pays catholique perd des fidèles” pour Le Figaro … Continue reading and experiences a strong influence from evangelical churches[31]Oualalou L., (2013 Juillet 21) “Le plus grand pays catholique perd des fidèles” pour Le Figaro … Continue reading. These churches are a wing of Protestantism, where the Bible has a strong influence on the life and faith of the believer. It is considered normative on both its theological and practical aspects. Although Bolsonaro relied on the evangelists’ 70% voting intentions[32]De Chalus A., (2018, Octobre 22) « Au Brésil, une nette préférence des évangéliques pour Bolsonaro », pour La Croix disponible sur : … Continue reading, his victory was equally due to the influence of popular religious figures in Brazil. Close to the conservative theses, Evangelists now account for 25% of the Brazilian population, compared to 10% in 1991[33]Ogier T. (2018 Octobre 28) « Brésil : l’irrésistible croissance des églises évangéliques » pour LesEchos … Continue reading. Their influence over politics is therefore constantly increasing. Pentecostist pastor Silas Malafia, a close friend of the president[34]Gatinois C., (2019 Avril 10) « Au Brésil, le lobby évangélique se sent délaissé par le président Bolsonaro » pour Le Monde … Continue reading, is well known for his homophobic views. Among other things, he opposed a law proposed by Dilma Roussef on homophobia’s penalisation[35]Tavaras P., (2013 Mars 10) « Le pasteur Silas Malafaia, ou la tentation homophobe du Brésil » traduit par Cerqueira E. pour Global Voices under pretends of the protection of freedom of speech. The influence of catholic and evangelist positions on Brazilian politics, together with the conservation of homophobia, is of great importance. Indeed, in 2013, the State of Rio de Janeiro passed a law condemning LGBTphobic discriminations, which excluded religious institutions from its sanctions[36]Robineau J., (2015 Septembre 21) « Brésil : homosexualité, croyances et intolérance » pour Le Journal International … Continue reading.

The place of the LGBT + struggle in politics

The LGBT+ movements rallied to oppose their resistance against the homophobic and sexist wave supported by the government. More than ever, they attempted to fill the public space, often risking their own lives. The two most concrete examples of this phenomenon remain those of Jean Wyllys and Marielle Franco. Deputy Jean Wyllys, an openly gay activist for LGBT+ rights was forced to leave the country in 2019, after being elected both in 2014 and 2018. He stated that his exile was motivated by numerous death threats which followed Bolsonaro’s election[37]Rédaction, “Brazil’s sole openly gay congressman leaves country after death threats” The Guardian (2019 Janvier 24), disponible sur … Continue reading.
The political feminicide of Marielle Franco, elected carioca[38]a native of Rio de Janeiro. and activist for women’s rights, rights of favelas inhabitants, LGBT+ rights and afro-Brazilian rights, murdered on 14th March 2018, triggered a wave of protest amongst the LGBT+ and feminist communities. Marielle Franco’s story remains a symbol of homophobic violence and misogyny as well as their consequences. She represents Bolsonaro’s anti-thesis: political lesbianism and anti-racism. During the lesbian European conference of 2019 in Kyev, her widow, Monica Benicio, reminded the audience that “the revolution is feminist, LGBTQI, black and indigenous[39]Rédaction (2019 Mai 07) « Monica Benicio, veuve de Marielle Franco : « La révolution est féministe, LGBTQI, noire et indigène », Komitid … Continue reading.” At this conference, she also asserted : “My lesbianism makes me a prime victim of violence and remedial rape. (…) There was an increase by 214% of lesbian feminicides, and even a title such as member of the council did not prevent my partner from being targeted and murdered.[40]UN Women (2019 Avril 19) “The largest network of lesbian activists in the region call for greater equality and inclusion” … Continue reading
On the 26th April, we celebrated the international lesbian visibility day. Although gay masculine groups always had this visibility, lesbians – due to the mere fact that they are women – were often left behind, preventing them from acting in the public space as well as the political sphere[41]O Lesbianismo no Brasil, de Luiz Mott. Porto Alegre, Editora Mercado Aberto, 1987.[42]Fernandes M., (2018 Juin 12) « O movimento das mulheres lésbicas feministas no Brasil” pour Cult, disponible sur : … Continue reading. As such, Brazilian lesbians would wait until 1979, for the Miriam Martinho initiative[43]Revista Da Boitempo, (2019), « LGBT », Margem Esquerda n° 33, in order to gather in an group of feminist activists, the GALF. The UN Women[44]UN Women, (2018 Novembre 14), « Dans toute l’Amérique latine, les femmes répondent à la violence en politique » … Continue reading Brazil 50-50 initiative[45]Brasil 50-50 , with the use of the “Gênero e Número[46]Gênero e Número[47]gender and number” database, tried to promote equality between men and women in politics while giving more visibility to black, aboriginal and LBTI women and political violence against women, by promoting their political representation and participation.

According to a UN study, Brazil ranks 154th in terms of feminine representation within parliamentary institutions[48]Taranto Goulart L. « Les femmes brésiliennes en lutte contre des siècles d’inégalité́ » (2019 Mars)  … Continue reading. Marielle Franco succeeded in giving a real visibility to the fight for LGBT+ rights, and more specifically to the topic of black lesbianism[49]« Lesbianisme noir au Brésil », Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. vol. 21, no. 1, 2002, pp. 110-124. Entretien avec Neusa Das Dores Pereira et Elizabeth Calvet, réalisé et … Continue reading, as, historically, this movement struggled to find a real place amongst feminism, LGBT+ and anti-racist movements in Brazil. Her murder did not allow for her persecutors to put out her message. On the contrary, it was delivered and heightened by the statements and actions of movements for which she has become a martyr[50]Weber G., () « Marielle Franco : symbole de la lutte queer afro-brésilienne sur les internets » (2020 Août 19) … Continue reading.

Whereas Bolsonaro’s government represents a true setback in terms of LGBT+ rights and protection, the political actions and mobilisations of the community give hope for a better future in a country marked by machismo, sexism and homophobia. Following an investigation on the situation of LGBT+ rights in the world, Frédéric Martel, journalist for France Culture and author of Global Gay (2013), asserted : “This continent is very much advanced in regards to this topic, far more so than Africa, or even Europe. Thanks to countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil and Chile (…) whom have all addressed the question of homosexuality, we went from the penalisation of homosexuality to that of homophobia, which depicts a significant evolution[51]Bardou F. (2015 Août 25) « L’Amérique latine à la pointe des droits des LGBT » for Médiapart … Continue reading.”


“Entrevista Jair Bolsonaro”, Playboy Brasil (2011 Juin)

João Silvério Trevisan, Exposition «Devassos no Paraíso: o Brasil mostra sua cara» (2019), Museo da Diversidade

Rubrique “Centres Culturels” du Secrétariat de la culture et de l’économie créative de l’État de São Paulo

Museo da Diversidade Sexual

Page Wikipedia « Tourisme gay »

Vanessa Gonzaga (2020, Fevrier 21), « Blocos LGBT pautam diversidade e combate ao preconceito no Carnaval» pour Brasil de Fato

Globo (2014, Janvier 31) « Final de ‘Amor à vida’ tem primeiro beijo gay em novela da Globo »

Rédaction, « La place des homosexuels dans les telenovelas brésiliennes », Le Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, Juillet 24)

Association Grupo Gay da Bahia

Stop Homophobie, (2019, Juin 22), « Brésil : un assassinat LGBTphobe toutes les 16 heures en moyenne »

Association ANTRA

Rédaction, « Jair Bolsonaro, l’épouvantail de la communauté LGBT de Rio », Le Monde (2018, Novembre 05)

AFP, (2019, Décembre 20) « Bolsonaro, un an de contre-révolution culturelle au Brésil » pour Le Point

Gatinois C., (2018, Octobre 11) « Au Brésil, le triomphe attendu de Bolsonaro déchaîne les violences homophobes » pour Autres Brésils

Vigna A., (2017 Septembre 20) « Brésil : tollé après l’autorisation de “thérapies de conversion” pour les homosexuels » pour Franceinfo

Conselho Federal de Psicologia (2019 Juin), Tentativas de Aniquilamento de Subjetividades LGBTIs

José Gatti entrevista James Green (2000), Mais amor e mais tesão: história da homossexualidade no Brasil

De Chalus A., (2018, Octobre 22) « Au Brésil, une nette préférence des évangéliques pour Bolsonaro », pour La Croix

Rédaction, « Au Brésil, victoire de Netflix et de son Jésus gay face à la censure religieuse », France 24, (2020 Janvier 10),

Rédaction, “Brazil’s sole openly gay congressman leaves country after death threats” The Guardian (2019 Janvier 24)

UN Women (2019 Avril 19) “The largest network of lesbian activists in the region call for greater equality and inclusion”

Lesbianismo no Brasil, de Luiz Mott. Porto Alegre, Editora Mercado Aberto, 1987.

Fernandes M., (2018 Juin 12) « O movimento das mulheres lésbicas feministas no Brasil” pour Cult

Brasil 50-50

UN Women, (2018 Novembre 14), « Dans toute l’Amérique latine, les femmes répondent à la violence en politique »

Gênero e Número

Taranto Goulart L. « Les femmes brésiliennes en lutte contre des siècles d’inégalité́ » (2019 Mars)

« Lesbianisme noir au Brésil », Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. vol. 21, no. 1, 2002, pp. 110-124. Entretien avec Neusa Das Dores Pereira et Elizabeth Calvet, réalisé et traduit par Jules Falquet

Fabre S. , (2019 Juin 12) “Pourquoi le Tourisme gay fait de plus en plus rêver les voyagistes?”, pour

Rédaction, « La place des homosexuels dans les telenovelas brésiliennes », Le Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, Juillet 24)

Phillips T. (2012 Janvier 27) “Jean Wyllys, Brazil’s first openly gay MP, takes fight to the religious right” pour The Guardian

Vigna A., (2017 Septembre 20) « Brésil : tollé après l’autorisation de “thérapies de conversion” pour les homosexuels » pour Franceinfo, disponible sur :

Conselho Federal de Psicologia (2019 Juin), Tentativas de Aniquilamento de Subjetividades LGBTIs

Rédaction, « Brésil : la Cour suprême criminalise l’homophobie », Le Monde (2019 Juin 14)

Oualalou L., (2013 Juillet 21) “Le plus grand pays catholique perd des fidèles” pour Le Figaro

Vianna T. “Faire de l’Etat laïque une réalité» Revista forum n° 92 (2010, Novembre) traduit par Roger Guilloux pour Autres Brésils

Ogier T. (2018 Octobre 28) « Brésil : l’irrésistible croissance des églises évangéliques » pour LesEchos

Gatinois C., (2019 Avril 10) « Au Brésil, le lobby évangélique se sent délaissé par le président Bolsonaro » pour Le Monde

Tavaras P., (2013 Mars 10) « Le pasteur Silas Malafaia, ou la tentation homophobe du Brésil » traduit par Cerqueira E. pour Global Voices

Robineau J., (2015 Septembre 21) « Brésil : homosexualité, croyances et intolérance » pour Le Journal International

Rédaction (2019 Mai 07) « Monica Benicio, veuve de Marielle Franco : « La révolution est féministe, LGBTQI, noire et indigène » », Komitid

Revista Da Boitempo, (2019), « LGBT », Margem Esquerda n° 33

Bardou F. (2015 Août 25) « L’Amérique latine à la pointe des droits des LGBT » pour Médiapart

To cite this article: Canterini Julia “LGBT+ community in Brazil, stuck in between (in)visibility and rejection: How is the Brazilian LGBT+ community in the middle of political, cultural and social rift?”, 15/05/2020, Institut du Genre en Géopolitique


1 “Entrevista Jair Bolsonaro”, Playboy Brasil (2011 Juin)
2 Brissart, Violaine. (2019 Novembre 20). « Rio de Janeiro joue la carte gay ». Consulté sur
3 The LGBT Pride Parade.
4 João Silvério Trevisan, Exposition «Devassos no Paraíso: o Brasil mostra sua cara» (2019), Museo da Diversidade
5 Fabre S. , (2019 Juin 12) “Pourquoi le Tourisme gay fait de plus en plus rêver les voyagistes?”, pour
6 Wikipedia page “Tourisme gay »
7 Museo da Diversidade Sexual, [site Web]. Consulté le 08/05/2020.
8 “Cultural Centers” section of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo consulted on 08/05/2020
9 Museo da Diversidade Sexual, [ Website]. consulted on 08/05/2020.
10 Street blocks
11 Diversity Block
12 Vanessa Gonzaga (2020, February 21), « Blocos LGBT pautam diversidade e combate ao preconceito no Carnaval» for Brasil de Fato
13, 15 Writing, “The place of homosexuals in Brazilian telenovelas”, Le Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, July 24) -les-telenovelas-bresiliennes-41849
14 Globo (2014, January 31) « Final de ‘Amor à vida’ tem primeiro beijo gay em novela da Globo »
16 Writing, “The place of homosexuals in Brazilian telenovelas”, L
e Petit Journal Sao Paulo, (2016, July 24) -les-telenovelas-bresiliennes-41849
17 Phillips T. (2012 January 27) “Jean Wyllys, Brazil’s first openly gay MP, takes fight to the religious right” for The Guardian :
18 Association Grupo Gay da Bahia
19 Gay group of the Bahia region
20 Stop Homophobia, (2019, June 22), “Brazil: an LGBTphobic assassination every 16 hours on average” – medium-video /
21 Alert barometer on the human rights situation in Brazil, 2019, by Coalition Solidarité Brésil
22 ANTRA Association (National Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender People)
23 Rédaction, « Jair Bolsonaro, l’épouvantail de la communauté LGBT de Rio », Le Monde (2018, Novembre 05), disponible sur :
24 Vigna A., (2017 Septembre 20) « Brésil : tollé après l’autorisation de “thérapies de conversion” pour les homosexuels » pour Franceinfo, disponible sur :
25 Conselho Federal de Psicologia (2019 June), Tentativas de Aniquilamento de Subjetividades LGBTIs
26 Rédaction, « Brésil : la Cour suprême criminalise l’homophobie », Le Monde (2019 Juin 14)
27 AFP, (2019, Décembre 20) « Bolsonaro, un an de contre-révolution culturelle au Brésil » pour Le Point disponible sur
28 José Gatti entrevista James Green (2000), Mais amor e mais tesão: história da homossexualidade no Brasil
29 Vianna T. “Faire de l’Etat laïque une réalité» Revista forum n° 92 (2010, Novembre) traduit par Roger Guilloux pour Autres Brésils
30, 31 Oualalou L., (2013 Juillet 21) “Le plus grand pays catholique perd des fidèles” pour Le Figaro
32 De Chalus A., (2018, Octobre 22) « Au Brésil, une nette préférence des évangéliques pour Bolsonaro », pour La Croix disponible sur :
33 Ogier T. (2018 Octobre 28) « Brésil : l’irrésistible croissance des églises évangéliques » pour LesEchos
34 Gatinois C., (2019 Avril 10) « Au Brésil, le lobby évangélique se sent délaissé par le président Bolsonaro » pour Le Monde
35 Tavaras P., (2013 Mars 10) « Le pasteur Silas Malafaia, ou la tentation homophobe du Brésil » traduit par Cerqueira E. pour Global Voices
36 Robineau J., (2015 Septembre 21) « Brésil : homosexualité, croyances et intolérance » pour Le Journal International
37 Rédaction, “Brazil’s sole openly gay congressman leaves country after death threats” The Guardian (2019 Janvier 24), disponible sur
38 a native of Rio de Janeiro.
39 Rédaction (2019 Mai 07) « Monica Benicio, veuve de Marielle Franco : « La révolution est féministe, LGBTQI, noire et indigène », Komitid
40 UN Women (2019 Avril 19) “The largest network of lesbian activists in the region call for greater equality and inclusion”
41 O Lesbianismo no Brasil, de Luiz Mott. Porto Alegre, Editora Mercado Aberto, 1987.
42 Fernandes M., (2018 Juin 12) « O movimento das mulheres lésbicas feministas no Brasil” pour Cult, disponible sur :
43 Revista Da Boitempo, (2019), « LGBT », Margem Esquerda n° 33
44 UN Women, (2018 Novembre 14), « Dans toute l’Amérique latine, les femmes répondent à la violence en politique »
45 Brasil 50-50
46 Gênero e Número
47 gender and number
48 Taranto Goulart L. « Les femmes brésiliennes en lutte contre des siècles d’inégalité́ » (2019 Mars)
49 « Lesbianisme noir au Brésil », Nouvelles Questions Féministes, vol. vol. 21, no. 1, 2002, pp. 110-124. Entretien avec Neusa Das Dores Pereira et Elizabeth Calvet, réalisé et traduit par Jules Falquet
50 Weber G., () « Marielle Franco : symbole de la lutte queer afro-brésilienne sur les internets » (2020 Août 19)
51 Bardou F. (2015 Août 25) « L’Amérique latine à la pointe des droits des LGBT » for Médiapart