Temps de lecture : 9 minutes
↑1 | John Timsit, ‘Shaina’s murder: the right and the RN speak out against a “Talibanisation” of France’, Le Figaro, 06/09/21, URL: https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/meurtre-de-shaina-la-droite-et-le-rn-s-insurgent-contre-une-talibanisation-de-la-france-20210906 |
↑2 | ibid. |
↑3 | FARRIS, Sara, ‘Femonationalism and the ‘Reserve’ Army of Labor Called Migrant Women’, History of the Present, no.2, vol.2, 2012, pp. 184-199; Translated from the English by Marie-Gabrielle de Liedekerke available at URL: https://www.contretemps.eu/les-fondements-politico-economiques-du-femonationalisme, Original citation: ‘the contemporary mobilization of feminist ideas by nationalist parties and neoliberal governments under the banner of the war against the perceived patriarchy of Islam in particular, and of migrants from the Global South in general’ |
↑4 | ‘Burkini: The mayor of Cannes bans religious clothing at the beach’, Le Monde, 11/08/16, URL: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2016/08/11/le-maire-de-cannes-interdit-les-vetements-religieux-a-la-plage_4981587_3224.html; “Following Cannes, Villeneuve-Loubet bans the burkini”, Le Monde, 13/08/16, URL: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2016/08/13/apres-cannes-villeneuve-loubet-interdit-le-burkini_4982366_3224.html; “The mayor of Touquet adopts an anti-burkini stance (but in advance)’, Huffingtonpost, 16/08/16, URL : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2016/08/16/touquet-burkini-daniel-fasquelle-_n_11541894.html |
↑5 | ‘Nice bans the burkini on its beaches’, Le Monde, 19/08/16, URL: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2016/08/19/nice-interdit-a-son-tour-le-burkini-sur-les-plages_4985067_3224.html |
↑6 | ‘Veiled woman at the Burgundy-Franche-Comté regional council: a fundamental problem that has not been resolved says Julien Odoul’, Franceinfo, 17/10/19, URL: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bourgogne-franche-comte/cote-d-or/dijon/femme-voilee-au-conseil-regional-bourgogne-franche-comte-probleme-fond-qui-n-est-pas-tranche-dit-julien-odoul-1737741.html |
↑7 | The law of 1905 established a separation between church and state. According to this law, secularism is defined (on the French government website accessible with the following URL: https://www.gouvernement.fr/qu-est-ce-que-la-laicite) as the free expression of religion ‘within the limits of respect for public order’, the non-intervention of the State in religious matters, which must respect religious neutrality by defending equality between all religions. |
↑8 | The 2003 Baroin report is available at the following URL: https://www.voltairenet.org/rubrique506.html?lang=fr. |
↑9 | BARD, Christine, ‘Feminism is secular’ in Feminism. 150 years of preconceived ideas. Paris, Le Cavalier Bleu, 2020, p. 239-252. |
↑10 | BENTOUHAMI, Hourya, ‘Feminisms, the veil and French secularism’, Socio, n°11, 2018, p.117-140. |
↑11 | Ibid, p.2 |
↑12 | Presentation of this nationalist feminist collective is accessible at the following URL: https://collectif-nemesis.com/notre-manifeste/ |
↑13 | HANCOCK, Claire, ‘The Female Body as a Geopolitical Issue in Postcolonial France’, L’Espace Politique [Online], n°13, vol.1, 2011, URL: https://journals-openedition-org.docelec.u-bordeaux.fr/espacepolitique/1882. |
↑14 | VERGÈS, Françoise, ‘Decolonial feminisms, social justice, anti-imperialism’, Tumultes, n°48, vol.1, 2017(a), p.157-168. |
↑15, ↑23 | BENTOUHAMI, Hourya , ‘Feminisms, the veil and French secularism’, Socio, n°11, 2018, p.117-140. |
↑16 | KILANI, Mondher, ‘It is necessary to deconfessionalise secularism. Religion still permeates the imagination’, Journal of anthropologists, n°1, vol.100-101, 2005, p.37-48. |
↑17 | PELABAY, Janie, ‘Chapter 8 – The Republic of “values”: between public and private, what citizen link?’ in Pascal Perrineau, ed, The Democracy of the Self. Sciences Po Press, 2017, pp. 119-132. |
↑18 | Care is generally defined as ‘caring’. It includes activities related to care in terms of work and refers to the norms of femininity which consist in taking care of, caring for and looking after others. For more information on this topic, I suggest you refer to the work of Carole Gilligan: Gilligan C. (1982). In A Different Voice, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press; Gilligan C. (2008) A Different Voice, For an Ethics of Care, Translation revised by Vanessa Nurock, Paris: Champs Flammarion; for information on the chain of care, I recommend reading the work by Caroline Ibos: Caroline Ibos, ‘The globalization of care. Delegation of domestic tasks and relations of domination’, Métropolitiques, 6 June 2012. URL: http://www.metropolitiques.eu/La- mondialisation-du-care.html. |
↑19, ↑21 | FARRIS, Sara, ‘Femonationalism and the ‘Reserve’ Army of Labor Called Migrant Women’, History of the Present, no.2, vol.2, 2012, pp. 184-199. |
↑20, ↑25 | SENAC, Réjane, ‘The mythology of equality: between republican values and feminism of otherness’, Powers, vol.173, n°2, 2020, pp. 89-100. |
↑22 | ROUX, Patricia; GIANETTONI, Lavinia; PERRIN, Céline, ‘Feminism and racism. An exploratory research on the basis of the divergences concerning the wearing of headscarves,’ New Feminist Questions, vol.25, n°1, 2006, pp. 84-106. |
↑24 | There are obviously a significant proportion of women who use such arguments, but because of gender relations, the visibility and place of men in the public media debate is greater. |
↑26 | Romain Herreros, ‘On CNews, this columnist’s sexist remark against Rousseau outrages the political class’, Huffingtonpost, 26/09/21, URL: https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/entry/cnews-remarque-sexiste-chroniqueur-sandrine-rousseau-indigne-classe-politique_fr_61505dfde4b098483a7720ef |
↑27 | Ibid, p.5 |
↑28 | ‘Feminist associations denounce police violence at a demonstration in Paris on Saturday,’ Le Monde, 08/03/20, URL: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2020/03/08/des-associations-feministes-denoncent-des-violences-policieres-en-marge-d-une-manifestation-samedi-a-paris_6032250_3224.html et Fanny Ohier, ‘Bordeaux: one protester injured, four arrested at women’s march on 8 March’, France Bleu, 11/03/19, URL: https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/economie-social/bordeaux-quatre-arrestations-et-une-manifestante-blessee-a-la-marche-feministe-nocturne-du-8-mars-1552328412 |
↑29 | Robin Korda, ‘Paris: 400 euros for putting up posters against feminicide’, Le Parisien, 07/09/19, URL: https://www.leparisien.fr/paris-75/paris-400-euros-pour-avoir-colle-des-affiches-contre-les-feminicides-07-09-2019-8147532.php |
↑30 | ‘Jean-Michel Blanquer: wokism is a “doctrine” that “France and its youth must escape”’, Le Figaro, 14/10/21, URL: https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/jean-michel-blanquer-le-wokisme-est-une-doctrine-a-laquelle-la-france-et-sa-jeunesse-doivent-echapper-20211014 |
↑31 | MANSBRIDGE, Jane; SHAMES, Shauna. L, ‘Towards a theory of backlash: dynamic resistance and the fundamental role of power,’ Feminist Research, vol.25, n°1, 2012, 151–162. |
↑32 | BARD, Christine; PAOLETTI, Marion, ‘France, feminist or antifeminist?’, Work, Gender and Society, vol.32, n°2, 2014, pp. 141-144. |