Support GGI !

Since 2020, our daily commitment has been to provide high-quality research free of charge, to create a network in France and abroad on the subject of gender equality in geopolitics, and to work with public and governmental institutions, civil society and the private sector: a mission we carried out when we had neither contacts nor financial resources.

Today, we need you!

After an increasingly promising evolution, our now well-established position as a player in international relations requires a much greater investment in terms of time and money. We need your help!

Supporting us means helping to promote France’s influence in the field of gender equality, and promoting academic research, which is too often ignored, even though it lies at the heart of all major developments, particularly in the field of equality and development.

Supporting us also means encouraging and raising the visibility of an initiative launched by young French women who are fighting against inequality, whatever its nature, and fostering women’s leadership in international relations.

And finally, supporting us means ensuring that a gendered, inclusive and egalitarian vision of international relations is made visible, in the face of rising conservatism.