Temps de lecture : 13 minutes
↑1 | Queer theory questions identities by breaking down barriers. It refuses gender bicategorization and the heteronormative femininity-masculinity duality. It also contributes to the emergence of new sexual and societal realities. BREY. Iris. « Chapitre 4 : Queer ». In Sex and the series. Éditions de l’Olivier. France. 2018. Pp. 187 – 243. |
↑2 | Intersectionality is a sociological concept first used in 1994 by American researcher Kimberlé W. Crenshaw (1959), Critical Race Theory feminist (1980) and jurist. Intersectionality posits that individuals endure, simultaneously and cumulatively, different processes of power and oppression (physical and mental), as a result of their multiple identities. For example, black women experience sexism because of their gender, and racism because of their skin color.CRENSHAW. Kimberlé Williams. « Cartographies des marges : intersectionnalité, politique de l’identité et violences contre les femmes de couleur ». In Cahiers du Genre. Vol. 39. 2. 2005. Pp. 51 – 82. |
↑3 | CONNELL. Raewyn. Masculinities. University of California Press. Berkeley. 1995. 349 pages. |
↑4 | The double standard consists of a “differentiated judgment made on the same behavior or act when it is the act of people from two different groups, in the context of a hierarchical society (patriarchal, post-colonial…)”. SENARCLENS. Hill (of). “The double standard: A conceptual tool for social struggles”. In CVFE. Collectif contre les violences familiales et l’exclusion. [En ligne]. Published online in September 2017. Retrieved June 16th 2020. URL:: https://www.cvfe.be/publications/analyses/91-le-double-standard-un-outil-conceptuel-pour-les-luttes-sociales. |
↑5 | ÉCHARD. Nicole. QUIMINAL. Catherine. HÉRITIER-AUGÉ. Françoise. “La valence différentielle des sexes au fondement de la société ?”. In Journal des anthropologues. N° 45. 1991. Pp. 67-78. |
↑6 | MARTINUS. Claire. “Masculinités et virilité “. In Genre et corps. Course of the Interuniversity Master of Specialization in Gender Studies. Catholic University of Louvain (Administrative headquarters). School year 2019 – 2020. |
↑7 | CONNELL. Raewyn. “Masculinités. Enjeux sociaux de l’hégémonie” Translated under the direction of HAGEGE. Meoïn. VUATTOUX. Arthur. Éditions Amsterdam. Paris. 2014 [1993]. P° 50. |
↑8 | Ibid. P 47. |
↑9 | “ Connell (Raewyn), Masculinités. Enjeux sociaux de l’hégémonie”, Paris, Éditions Amsterdam, 2014, 288 p., with an afterword by Éric Fassin. Edition established by Meoïn Hagège and Arthur Vuattoux, partial translation by C. Richard, C. Garrot, F. Voros, M. Duval et M. Cervulle de Masculinities, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2005 [1995].’. In Politix. Vol. 109. 1. 2015. Pp. 170 – 172. |
↑10 | MORALDO. Delphine.” Raewyn Connell, Masculinités. Enjeux sociaux de l’hégémonie “. In Lectures. [Online]. Published June 11 2014. Retrieved on June 16 2020. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/lectures/13753. |
↑11 | Generally individuals who are themselves socially oppressed and who perpetuate the dictates of hegemonic masculinity without having a direct interest in it. |
↑12 | GUIONNET. Christine. NEVEU. Erik. Féminins – masculins : sociologie du genre. Armand Colin. Coll. “ Série Sociologie ”. Paris. 2004. 430 pages. |
↑13 | MARTINUS. Claire. Op. cit. |
↑14 | The term “face” refers here to symbolic interactionism and more specifically to Goffman’s theory of saving face. |
↑15 | Jacques Derrida’s concept of carno-phallogocentrism can be understood, in a nutshell, as a concept of male domination that would is based on the intersectional association of carnivorism, phallocentrism and logocentrism (rationality). Otherwise explained, the “indisputable” subject is carnivorous because of having mastered,or “devoured”, nature and its intrinsic animal drives; masculine, because he has managed to contain his primitive instincts unlike women who have not succeeded in domesticating their naturalness; rational, for he is thereby endowed with a preeminent quality which places him above other beings.DERRIDA. Jacques. L’animal que donc je suis. Galilée. Paris. 2006. 218 pages. |
↑16, ↑22 | MARTINUS. Claire. Op. Cit. |
↑17 | For example, his works Le nouveau paradigme : pour comprendre le monde d’aujourd’hui (Fayard, Paris, 2005) and Le monde des femmes (Fayard, Paris, 2006). |
↑18 | DUPUIS-DÉRI. Francis. “Le discours de la « crise de la masculinité » comme refus de l’égalité entre les sexes : histoire d’une rhétorique antiféministe ”. In Recherches féministes. Vol. 25,1. 2012. Page 90. |
↑19 | In his book The Crisis of Masculinity. Autopsy of a Tenacious Myth (2019), political scientist Francis Dupuis-Déri, deconstructs the discourse of a male identity threatened by the demands of feminists based on an account by Tristan Boursier. In fact, he demonstrates, based on work in feminist studies and his own research on antifeminism, that men “ are not in crisis, [but that] they have crises ”. That this “so-called crisis of masculinity”, which corresponds more to a subjective feeling than to an empirical reality, serves as a political and misogynistic pretext to “legitimize the relations of power in favor of men by constructing the feminine as a threat for masculinity”. BOURSIER. Tristan. “ Francis Dupuis-Déri, La crise de la masculinité. Autopsie d’un mythe tenace “. In Lectures. [Online]. Published February 24th 2019. Retrieved in June 19th 2020. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/lectures/31663. |
↑20 | DUPUIS-DÉRI. Francis. Page 93. |
↑21 | Ibid. |
↑23 | COURCOUX. Charles-Antoine. Des machines et des hommes. Masculinité hégémonique et modernité technologique dans le cinéma américain contemporain. Thesis. The University of. Zurich. 2011. 473 pages. |
↑24 | Loc. cit. P 425. |
↑25 | Cf. l’ouvrage Sex and the series d’Iris Brey. Editions de l’Olivier. France. 2018. 261 pages. |
↑26 | Luca Guadagnino, Call Me by Your Name; Frenesy Film Company, 2017. |
↑27 | Gilles Lellouche, Le Grand Bain, Chi-Fou-Mi Productions, 2018. |
↑28 | “ Sexisme : la marque Gillette attaque la « masculinité toxique » dans une vidéo, et ça ne plaît pas à tout le monde ”. In LeSoir.be. [Online]. Published on January 15 2019. Retrieved on November 22 2020. URL : https://www.lesoir.be/200724/article/2019-01-15/sexisme-la-marque-gillette-attaque-la-masculinite-toxique-dans-une-video-et-ca. |
↑29 | GAZALÉ. Olivia Le mythe de la virilité. Un piège pour les deux sexes. Éditions Robert Laffont. Paris. 2017. 528 pages. |
↑30 | TUAILLON. Victoire. Les couilles sur la table. Binge Audio Éditions. 2019. 255 pages. |
↑31 | A popularized feminism that is based on the seductive potential of shared and common cultural traits, and on the highlighting of stars as factors of adhesion and reception (sexy, glamour, fashion, icons, etc.). In a dissertation produced in 2017, researcher Ann-Julie Durocher highlights the scope and influence of media content (messages, tweets, photos, videos, etc.), produced by popular figures (such as singers Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, actress Emma Watson, etc.). A feminism which, through these stars, enjoys greater visibility, making the feminist approach “trendy” and bankable. A capacity for attraction and expansion (imperialist), which could, independently of these artists and their personal convictions, somehow resemble washing feminism. An opportunist marketing and communication strategy that uses the feminist label, in order to “whiten”, “legitimize”, “make respectable and ethical” acts or actions that would not necessarily be so. DUROCHER. Ann-Julie. Les célébrités et le renouveau du féminisme : une analyse des discours médiatiques. Thesis. Université du Québec. Trois-Rivières. 2017. 136 pages. |
↑32 | MASSOCA. Fabrizio. “The Man “ : le nouveau clip de Taylor Swift est une bombe féministe “. In L’Officiel.be. [Online]. Published February 2nd 2020. Retrieved June 16th 2020. URL : https://www.lofficiel.be/art-culture/the-man-le-nouveau-clip-de-taylor-swift-est-une-bombe-feministe. |
↑33 | MULVEY. Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”. In Visual and Other Pleasures. Language, Discourse. Society. Palgrave Macmillan. London. 1989. Pp. 14 – 15. |
↑34 | Gender performativity is notably conceptualized by Judith Butler, a queer philosopher and theorist. The latter argues, schematically, that human beings are not born with a fixed natural gender. Nor do they acquire it through the process of socialization. Gender is fulfilled and gradually internalized through the norms and constraints that are presented to individuals. .JAMI. Irène. “Judith Butler, théoricienne du genre “. In Cahiers du Genre. Vol. 44. 1. 2008. Pp. 205-228. |
↑35 | For instance, and to name but a few, C’est quoi la masculinité toxique ? by women’s magazine Cosmopolitan, Masculinité toxique : éduque-t-on nos fils à mourir par suicide? published by the online magazine Slate (2018) or a series of articles written by the Grenada in the summer of 2020 dealing with the deconstruction of toxic masculinities. |
↑36 | “Multivariate analysis has showed that alexithymia was associated with male gender, advanced age, low educational level, and low socioeconomic status. As to the three factors of the TAS-20, men scored higher in factors 2 (difficulty in describing feelings) and 3 (externally oriented thinking), but there was no gender difference in factor 1 (difficulty in identifying feelings)“ . Jouko K. Salminen, Simo Saarijärvi, Erkki Äärelä, Tuula Toikka, Jussi Kauhanen. “Prevalence of alexithymia and its association with sociodemographic variables in the general population of finland ”. In the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Volume 46. Issue 1. 1999. Pages 75-82. |
↑37 | VITO. Christopher. ADMIRE. Amanda. HUGUES. Elizabeth. “ Masculinity, aggrieved entitlement, and violence : considering the Isla Vista mass shooting ”. In NORMA, International Journal for Masculinity Studies. [Online]. Published in 2017. URL : file:///C:/Users/Hello/Downloads/MasculinityaggrievedentitlementandviolenceconsideringtheIslaVistamassshooting.pdf. |
↑38 | “Qu’est-ce qu’un “incel”, dont se revendique Alek Minassian, l’auteur de l’attaque à Toronto?”. In LaLibre.be. [Online]. Published April 25th, 2018 25.. Retrieved on November 15th,2020. URL : https://www.lalibre.be/international/qu-est-ce-qu-un-incel-dont-se-revendique-alek-minassian-l-auteur-de-l-attaque-a-toronto-5ae0641acd70af2d3b815152. |