Women and Technologies: Toward the Path of Emancipation?

Temps de lecture : 9 minutes


Written by Julia Ricci

Translated by Mathilde Domont 

February 11th is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science decreed by the United Nations. It is the opportunity to bring to light their role but also better practices and solutions to reach the objectives of sustainable development. As underlined by the General Secretary of the United Nations Antonio Guterres: “We can all contribute to free the immense untapped talent of our world, by starting to fulfil the students’ room, laboratories and boards of directors of scientific women[1]« Nous pouvons tous et toutes contribuer à libérer l’immense talent inexploité de notre monde, en commençant par remplir les salles de classe, les laboratoires et les conseils … Continue reading [loose translation]“. The inequalities and stereotypes that rule this area prevent women from emancipation. By being the absents of sciences, technological and digital innovations, this article aims to question and analyse in what way women’s participation in technologies and digital represents a factor of inclusive and sustainable development for this sector.

The causes of inequality in the sector of new technologies: a gendered social construction

The discriminations and inequalities in the areas of digital, technologies and sciences appear from the earliest age, especially because of education. Several reports, including a survey led in France in 2021 of Epitech and Ipsos schools, prove that educational counselling of youths reflects stereotypes conveyed by parents, which has an important weight in these decisions. According to a study, 33% of girls are pushed to choose digital jobs by their parents, against 61% of boys[2]Grande École du numérique. (s. d.). Les chiffres clés sur les femmes et la tech. La Grande Ecole du Numérique. … Continue reading. Thus, 37% of the girls envision integrating an engineering or digital school, against 66% of boys[3]Grande École du numérique. (s. d.). Les chiffres clés sur les femmes et la tech. La Grande Ecole du Numérique. … Continue reading. Therefore, women only represent 16% of employees in tech and 20% of startup founders in the world[4]Bottemanne, C. (2018, 12 avril). Tech : l’innovation passe par les femmes. Les Echos. https://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/cercle/tech-linnovation-passe-par-les-femmes-131509. Data from 2020 show that in Europe, there are on average 27 men and 14 women who graduated in STIM[5]Sciences, Technologie, Engineering, Mathematics [loose translation]. « Sciences, Technologie, Ingénierie, Mathématiques » for 10 000 inhabitants of the same age[6]Montay, J. (2023, 9 février). À la conquête de la tech : « Girls just wanna have science » . RTBF. https://www.rtbf.be/article/a-la-conquete-de-la-tech-girls-just-wanna-have-science-11149416. In France, between 2013 and 2017, the number of graduates of tech decreased by 6%, representing only 17% of the number in digital in 2018[7]Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France. https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/. This last number stays capped since.

Furthermore, there is a real disparity between the tech’s areas. For instance, according to a study by OECD from 2021 in all countries, women are more present in the areas of chemistry and technologies related to health (between 20% and 24%), below the average in environmental technologies, and between 8% and 10% for the technologies in electricity production and engineering[8]OCDE (2021), Égalité femmes-hommes et environnement : Accumuler des connaissances et des politiques pour atteindre les ODD, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/009350ea-fr.

This paradox goes further when it is noticed that in the 1980s and 1990s, women were completely actors and pioneers in the areas of digital and tech. However, the issue’s importance and the rise in power linked to these areas led men to take possession of these questions, which became strategic for the corporations and the states. Thus, this evolution contributed to the development of a more masculine image of the sector, sideling women more and more[9]Grande École du numérique. (s. d.). Les chiffres clés sur les femmes et la tech. La Grande Ecole du … Continue reading. Furthermore, the spreading of computers and other technologies in the household for private individuals was ruled by men. So, traditional stereotypes of the collective unconscious favour boys at the cost of girls for the learning and use of technologies. According to Plan International, “if a family can afford to possess one phone, it will be attributed to the father of the family[10]« si une famille peut se permettre de posséder un seul téléphone, c’est au père de famille qu’il sera attribué ». Bazatte, A. (2022, 29 juin). Les filles s’émancipent grâce au … Continue reading [loose translation]”. Consequently, there is an important gap between women and men due to the use of the Internet and the possession of a phone. For instance, in Africa, the gap is 23% in Internet use[11]Bazatte, A. (2022, 29 juin). Les filles s’émancipent grâce au numérique ! ONG Plan International France.https://www.plan-international.fr/actualites/les-filles-semancipent-grace-au-numerique/. In South Asia, the gap is 38% in the chances of a woman having a mobile phone[12]Bazatte, A. (2022, 29 juin). Les filles s’émancipent grâce au numérique ! ONG Plan International France.https://www.plan-international.fr/actualites/les-filles-semancipent-grace-au-numerique/.

The new technologies and the digital are revolutionising the world and building the future. It is fundamental that women participate in these digital (r)evolutions as artificial intelligence, is biased because of the lack of data and tests on women, propagating sexist prejudices and reinforcing inequalities and women’s marginalisation through “misogynistic algorithms[13]Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/“. 

Women’s participation in the areas of technology and digital for an inclusive and sustainable emancipation

However, technologies can be vectors of emancipation and empowerment for women. They provide opportunities to access information, share it, spread it, and so to gather, collaborate, interact and communicate to fight for egalitarian causes and denounce abuses and discrimination. The most contemporary example is the #metoo movement on social media which has enabled women to speak out about abuse and sexual violence. In particular, digital is a powerful factor of reinforcement of the organisational capacity of women’s groups, and social and societal transformation.

Besides, women’s participation in sciences, digital, technologies and mathematics brings out inspiring feminine and feminist models to encourage girls to integrate these areas. Examples are to be remembered like the entrepreneur Isabelle Lechanteur, agency director at Google France or the engineer Iffat Sumia, Python programmer and molecular neuroscientist[14]Stum, C. L. (2018, 16 octobre). 92 femmes à suivre dans la Tech en France, selon Forbes. Les Echos … Continue reading from global North countries that succeeded to change the masculine image of these areas. There are also these women figures of the global South that struggle to let the South’s voice be heard and decolonise the mentalities. Disha Ravi, an Indian activist for the environment and climate, created the Indian version of a youths’ movement for the climate of Greta Thunberg. Helena Gualinga, an Ecuadorian representing the native community combats against deforestation[15]Courrier International. (2023, 28 janvier). Lutte climatique : les femmes montent au front. Courrier international. … Continue reading. Moreover, an OECD study of 2018 shows that the improvement of access to areas of technology and digital increases the activity rate and favours the economic emancipation of women[16]OCDE (2021), Égalité femmes-hommes et environnement : Accumuler des connaissances et des politiques pour atteindre les ODD, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/009350ea-fr. The under-representation of women in these sectors echoes a societal regression bearer of inequalities, with a certain economic cost.

It is also for these reasons that initiatives are implemented, to fight against their marginalisation. For instance, in France, collectives like Girls in Tech, Pink Innov’, the collective Sista or Code First Girls promote the investment in corporations directed by women or train and accompany them to favour their integration into the tech and digital market[17]Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/. At the European level, for instance, the European Commission and the international financial Society associated in 2018 with 17 tech corporations around the initiative Digital2Equal to increase opportunities for women in this area and support gender equality and technological progress[18]Eunice Ahairwe, P. and S. Bilal (2020), A gender-sensitive sustainable COVID-19 recovery: The role of development finance institutions (ECDPM Discussion Paper 284)..

Beyond these initiatives, there is a growing international focus on the inclusion of women in the digital and tech industries. During a summit on artificial intelligence organised by the United Nations in 2021[19]Intelligence artificielle : 193 pays adoptent le premier accord sur l’éthique de l’IA (UNESCO). (2021, 29 novembre). ONU Info. https://news.un.org/fr/story/2021/11/1109412, the international community agreed to say that gender equality in this area is considered a fundamental right and an unavoidable principle for peace. Some measures have been taken to fight against inequalities in this area and combat prejudices. For example, recommendations have been made for the protection, control and transparency of the use of personal data. The initiative formally forbids the use of artificial intelligence for mass surveillance and social rating, but uses it to save data, contributing then to the environment protection[20]

Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/

Women’s contribution to new technologies’ areas: diversity is innovation

It is important to make a point of honour to women’s contribution in areas of technology and STIM. Inclusivity, diversity and equity bring more innovations and progress, and allow women to have more influence. By excluding women, these areas risk losing revolutionary advances for women themselves as well as for society[21]Bottemanne, C. (2018, 12 avril). Tech : l’innovation passe par les femmes. Les Echos. https://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/cercle/tech-linnovation-passe-par-les-femmes-131509. For corporations, a working force diversified and qualified in technologies is an advantage because women are an engine of growth and innovation and can bring, for instance, progress like solutions of artificial intelligence for fairer recruitments[22]Bonneton, G. (2022, 2 février). Innovation : les secteurs phares de la tech en 2022. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/business/innovation-les-secteurs-phares-de-la-tech-en-2022/

Women’s contribution in these areas is also an essential element to reach the objectives of sustainable development, especially for the management of natural resources, the energy transition and the transformation of patriarchal cultural and social norms. The latter structure societies and economies and in fact jeopardise women’s access to opportunities for empowerment. Not considering women as agents of change and sustainable development reinforce inequalities that limit women in their control over their lives’ decisions, like access to technology. Indeed, inequalities expose more women to environmental risks. This exposition slows their adaptation to climate change[23]OCDE (2021), Égalité femmes-hommes et environnement : Accumuler des connaissances et des politiques pour atteindre les ODD, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/009350ea-fr. So, integrating an element and a gendered evaluation of the needs and use of technologies linked to climate change, and sustainable development would allow to reach neutrality in terms of gender equality.

In the case of the energetic transition, women have an important role as consumers and are responsible for decisions in the matter. There is a clear difference between women and men regarding choices and political preferences on energy, especially regarding the adaptation of renewable energies[24]Fraune, C. (2016), “The politics of speeches, votes, and deliberations: Gendered legislating and energy policy-making in Germany and the United States”, Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. … Continue reading. Despite the weak international participation in the COP, they have a savoir-faire, knowledge and ecological behaviour that allow them to work on the implementation of adaptation strategies[25]ONU Femmes France. (2020, 7 juillet). Les femmes, actrices essentielles dans la lutte contre le changement climatique, entre autonomisation et accès à la gouvernance. … Continue reading. That is what demonstrates a study that appeared in 2018 by researchers at Colorado University, women integrate into the decision process to protect the environment better than men. A strong presence of women in political authorities of some countries would have benefits on climate footprint than in other states[26]Lucchese, V. (2019, 27 mars). Plus les femmes participent aux décisions, plus l’environnement est préservé. Usbek & Rica. … Continue reading. For this reason, filling the gap in girls’ instruction in STIM’s areas would stimulate employment and slow their exclusion from the environmental transition. It is important to note that there is a difference between global North and South countries as for the approach to women’s role in the energy transition. The first integrates a gender element during the elaboration of technological possibilities and energetic innovations for women. The latter focuses on more diverse opportunities to promote gender equality, like the struggle against energetic poverty and women’s well-being and health improvement[27]Prebble, M. et al. (2017), Energizing Equality: The importance of integrating gender equality principles in national energy policies and frameworks SEPTEMBER 2017 AUTHORS GRAPHIC DESIGN, … Continue reading.

It is to be noted that because of discrimination and inequalities, women do not have the same access and support as men to fundings for innovations or environmental start-ups. Given their role in the energetic area, there is a need to value women entrepreneurs with environmental initiatives. For instance, Windfang E.G is the first German cooperative of community energy, launched in 1991 and directed by women, promoting wind power. This cooperative counts today three solar panels and eleven wind turbines supplying 3 000 households.

The development of environmental technologies must also take into account the role of native people and in particular native women, leaders in the environmental and energetic areas. Through consent and free and informed cooperation, knowledge and the traditional systems, reconcile with clean technologies, can contribute to finding sustainable environmental solutions and good governance[28]OCDE (2021), Égalité femmes-hommes et environnement : Accumuler des connaissances et des politiques pour atteindre les ODD, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/009350ea-fr. For example, the Canadian initiative « A share future » of 2019 is a governmental project promoting the involvement of native women community leaders in renewable energies[29]A Shared Future (2019), asharedfuture.ca. It gathers intersectoral actors around projects of renewable energies in order to set up partnerships between natives and the Canadian government, and so promote reconciliation. 

The future of technologies cannot be thought without women

Technologies, sciences and digital are today omnipresent areas in societies, and neglecting the role and inclusion of women in these areas only reinforces inequalities and discrimination. To contribute to the empowerment and inclusion of women, the use of new technologies is necessary in order to stem these obstacles and threats. Then, giving access to finance and technologies encourage the empowerment of women, and especially environmental initiatives led by women to fight against climate change. There is also a need to sustain and accompany women entrepreneurs in order to stimulate feminine entrepreneurship and fight against inequalities in these areas. Based on these initiatives, an increased awareness of families and women to these technological and digital issues would allow an increase in their participation and interest in digital and tech jobs. Afterwards, these sectors would then address equality issues and improve women’s lives. So, innovation and progress are factors of inequalities reinforcement but also an answer to issues and systemic discrimination. The governmental and civic initiatives prove it, technologies need and influence women and vice versa, women also need and influence technologies.

To quote this article: Julia Ricci (2023). Women and Technologies: Toward the Path of Emancipation? Gender in Geopolitics Institute. igg-geo.org/?p=13395&lang=en

The statements in this article are the sole responsibility of the author.


1 « Nous pouvons tous et toutes contribuer à libérer l’immense talent inexploité de notre monde, en commençant par remplir les salles de classe, les laboratoires et les conseils d’administration de femmes scientifiques ». United Nations. (s. d.). Journée internationale des femmes et des filles de science | Nations Unies.https://www.un.org/fr/observances/women-and-girls-in-science-day
2, 3 Grande École du numérique. (s. d.). Les chiffres clés sur les femmes et la tech. La Grande Ecole du Numérique. https://www.grandeecolenumerique.fr/ressources/les-femmes-et-le-numerique/chiffres-cles-sur-les-femmes-et-la-tech
4, 21 Bottemanne, C. (2018, 12 avril). Tech : l’innovation passe par les femmes. Les Echos. https://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/cercle/tech-linnovation-passe-par-les-femmes-131509
5 Sciences, Technologie, Engineering, Mathematics [loose translation]. « Sciences, Technologie, Ingénierie, Mathématiques »
6 Montay, J. (2023, 9 février). À la conquête de la tech : « Girls just wanna have science » . RTBF. https://www.rtbf.be/article/a-la-conquete-de-la-tech-girls-just-wanna-have-science-11149416
7 Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France. https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/
8 OCDE (2021), Égalité femmes-hommes et environnement : Accumuler des connaissances et des politiques pour atteindre les ODD, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/009350ea-fr.
9 Grande École du numérique. (s. d.). Les chiffres clés sur les femmes et la tech. La Grande Ecole du Numérique.https://www.grandeecolenumerique.fr/ressources/les-femmes-et-le-numerique/chiffres-cles-sur-les-femmes-et-la-tech
10 « si une famille peut se permettre de posséder un seul téléphone, c’est au père de famille qu’il sera attribué ». Bazatte, A. (2022, 29 juin). Les filles s’émancipent grâce au numérique ! ONG Plan International France.https://www.plan-international.fr/actualites/les-filles-semancipent-grace-au-numerique/
11, 12 Bazatte, A. (2022, 29 juin). Les filles s’émancipent grâce au numérique ! ONG Plan International France.https://www.plan-international.fr/actualites/les-filles-semancipent-grace-au-numerique/
13, 17 Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/
14 Stum, C. L. (2018, 16 octobre). 92 femmes à suivre dans la Tech en France, selon Forbes. Les Echos Start.https://start.lesechos.fr/innovations-startups/tech-futur/92-femmes-a-suivre-dans-la-tech-en-france-selon-forbes-1175964
15 Courrier International. (2023, 28 janvier). Lutte climatique : les femmes montent au front. Courrier international. https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/portraits-lutte-climatique-les-femmes-montent-au-front
16, 23, 28 OCDE (2021), Égalité femmes-hommes et environnement : Accumuler des connaissances et des politiques pour atteindre les ODD, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/009350ea-fr
18 Eunice Ahairwe, P. and S. Bilal (2020), A gender-sensitive sustainable COVID-19 recovery: The role of development finance institutions (ECDPM Discussion Paper 284).
19 Intelligence artificielle : 193 pays adoptent le premier accord sur l’éthique de l’IA (UNESCO). (2021, 29 novembre). ONU Info. https://news.un.org/fr/story/2021/11/1109412

Marty, A. (2020, 10 janvier). Les Femmes Dans La Tech : La Vraie Innovation Numérique. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/les-femmes-dans-la-tech-la-vraie-innovation-numerique/

22 Bonneton, G. (2022, 2 février). Innovation : les secteurs phares de la tech en 2022. Forbes France.https://www.forbes.fr/business/innovation-les-secteurs-phares-de-la-tech-en-2022/
24 Fraune, C. (2016), “The politics of speeches, votes, and deliberations: Gendered legislating and energy policy-making in Germany and the United States”, Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. Volume 19, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2016.06.007
25 ONU Femmes France. (2020, 7 juillet). Les femmes, actrices essentielles dans la lutte contre le changement climatique, entre autonomisation et accès à la gouvernance. https://www.onufemmes.fr/nos-actualites/2020/7/17/les-femmes-actrices-essentielles-dans-la-lutte-contre-le-changement-climatique-entre-autonomisation-et-acces-a-la-gouvernance
26 Lucchese, V. (2019, 27 mars). Plus les femmes participent aux décisions, plus l’environnement est préservé. Usbek & Rica. https://usbeketrica.com/fr/article/plus-femmes-decisions-plus-environnement-preserve
27 Prebble, M. et al. (2017), Energizing Equality: The importance of integrating gender equality principles in national energy policies and frameworks SEPTEMBER 2017 AUTHORS GRAPHIC DESIGN, http://www.estudiorelativo.com
29 A Shared Future (2019), asharedfuture.ca