Temps de lecture : 15 minutes
↑1, ↑2 | United Nations. (2023). Il faut agir davantage pour promouvoir le rôle des femmes dans la paix et la sécurité mondiales, plaide l’ONU. https://news.un.org/fr/story/2023/10/11400222 |
↑3 | United Nations. (2023). Il faut agir davantage pour promouvoir le rôle des femmes dans la paix et la sécurité mondiales, plaide l’ONU.https://news.un.org/fr/story/2023/10/11400222 |
↑4 | United States Institute of Peace. (2021). Why Gender and Sexual Minority Inclusion in Peacebuilding Matters. Why Gender and Sexual Minority Inclusion in Peacebuilding Matters | United States Institute of Peace (usip.org) |
↑5, ↑12, ↑13, ↑14, ↑24, ↑49 | Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU. https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑6, ↑7, ↑28, ↑29 | United Nations. (n.d.). Les Femmes, la paix et la sécurité | département des affaires politiques et consolidation de la paix. https://dppa.un.org/fr/women-peace-and-security |
↑8 | United Nations. (n.d.). Les Femmes, la paix et la sécurité | département des affaires politiques et consolidation de la paix. https://dppa.un.org/fr/women-peace-and-security)). They aim to adopt “a gendered approach in war, post-conflict, peace and peace-building contexts((Français du monde – ADFE. (26 novembre 2022). Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits. [Fichier vidéo]. http : Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits – YouTube |
↑9, ↑10 | Français du monde – ADFE. (26 novembre 2022). Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits. [Fichier vidéo]. http : Webconférence : La place des femmes dans les conflits – YouTube |
↑11 | Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU. https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑15 | United Nations. (n.d.). Les Femmes, la paix et la sécurité | département des affaires politiques et de la consolidation de la paix. https://dppa.un.org/fr/women-peace-and-security |
↑16, ↑40, ↑41, ↑42, ↑43, ↑44 | Trithart, A. (2020). The women, peace, and security agenda is not just for straight, cisgender women. IPI Global Observatory.https://theglobalobservatory.org/2020/10/the-women-peace-and-security-agenda-is-not-just-for-straight-cisgender-women/ |
↑17 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability. LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf(outrightinternational.org |
↑18, ↑33 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability. LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf (outrightinternational.org |
↑19 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability. LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf (outrightinternational.org) |
↑20 | Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). “Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice”. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103 120.https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |
↑21, ↑23 | Caribe Afirmativo (n. d.). The Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition presents the Volume of experiences of women and LGBTIQ+ people in the Colombian armed conflict. https://caribeafirmativo.lgbt/the-commission-for-the-clarification-of-truth-coexistence-and-non-repetition-presents-the-volume-of-experiences-of-women-and-lgbtiq-people-in-the-colombian-armed-conflict/ |
↑22 | Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). “Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice”. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |
↑25 | Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120 https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |
↑26, ↑27 | Outright International. (2022). LGBTQ Lives in Conflict and Crisis – A Queer Agenda for Peace Security and Accountability.LGBTQLivesConflictCrisis-2.pdf (outrightinternational.org |
↑30 | Beilouny, E. (2022). Assad’s Post-conflict Narratives: an Obstacle to Women’s Rights in Syria. Institut du Genre en Géopolitique. Assad’s Post-conflict Narratives: an Obstacle to Women’s Rights in Syria – Institut du Genre en Géopolitique(igg-geo.org |
↑31 | OECD. (2018). OECD toolkit for mainstreaming and implementing gender equality: 4.https://www.oecd.org/gov/toolkit-for-mainstreaming-and-implementing-gender-equality.pdf |
↑32 | CFFP and Berghof Foundation. (2023). Towards Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Groups in the Women, Peace, and Security Architecture – A Practical Guidebook. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Berghof Foundation. Berlin. https://berghof-foundation.org/library/guidebook-lgbtqi-wps |
↑34 | Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens (pp. 1–71):12. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑35 | Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens: 13. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑36 | Conciliation Resources. (2021). Women, gender, peace and security. https://www.c-r.org/programme/women-gender-peace-and-security |
↑37 | Conciliation Resources. (2021). Women, gender, peace and security. https://www.c-r.org/programme/women-gender-peace-and-security |
↑38 | Wright, H. (2019).“Masculinities perspectives”: Advancing a radical women, peace and security agenda? International Feminist Journal of Politics, 22(5), 652–674.https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2019.1667849 |
↑39 | Wright, H. (2019). “Masculinities perspectives”: Advancing a radical women, peace and security agenda? International Feminist Journal of Politics, 22(5), 652–674.https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2019.1667849 |
↑45, ↑54 | Madrigal-Borloz, V. (2022). Protection contre la violence et la discrimination liées à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre, A/77/235, ONU.https://www.ohchr.org/fr/documents/thematic-reports/a77235-report-independent-expert-protection-against-violence-and |
↑46 | Ullah, S. R. (2021). (rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens: 14 http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑47 | Ullah, S. R. (2021).(rep.). A LANGUAGE THAT MATTERS – Viewing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through an intersectional lens: 4. http://hdl.handle.net/2077/69203 |
↑48 | CFFP and Berghof Foundation. (2023). Towards Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Groups in the Women, Peace, and Security Architecture – A Practical Guidebook. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Berghof Foundation. Berlin.https://berghof-foundation.org/library/guidebook-lgbtqi-wps |
↑50 | Olivius, E., Hedström, J., & Mar Phyo, Z. (2022). Feminist peace or state co-optation? the women, peace and security agenda in Myanmar. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), 25–43.https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821×16359327302509 |
↑51, ↑56 | Olivius, E., Hedström, J., & Mar Phyo, Z. (2022). Feminist peace or state co-optation? the women, peace and security agenda in Myanmar. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), 25–43. https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821×16359327302509 |
↑52 | Olivius, E., Hedström, J., & Mar Phyo, Z. (2022). Feminist peace or state co-optation? the women, peace and security agenda in Myanmar. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(1), 25–43: 53. https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821×16359327302509 |
↑53 | CFFP and Berghof Foundation. (2023). Towards Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Groups in the Women, Peace, and Security Architecture – A Practical Guidebook. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Berghof Foundation. Berlin: 90.https://berghoffoundation.org/library/guidebook-lgbtqi-wps |
↑55 | Daigle, M & Myrttinen, H. (2018). “Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice”. Gender and Development, 26, 1: 103-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2018.1429091 |