Temps de lecture : 17 minutes
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↑5 | L’expression personne menstruée fait référence aux personnes qui ont leurs règles, y compris les personnes cisgenres, transgenres, non binaires et fluides |
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↑7 | Guien, J. (2023). Chapitre 1 – Les serviettes jetables. Une histoire de produits menstruels, Divergences, p. 26 |
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↑17 | International labour organization (2018) The gender gap in employment: What’s holding women back?. https://www.ilo.org/infostories/fr-FR/Stories/Employment/barriers-women#intro |
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↑20 | UNICEF (2022) Fact sheet Menstrual health and hygiene management still out of reach for many. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/fact-sheet-menstrual-health-and-hygiene-management-still-out-reach-many |
↑22 | A. Guterres. (2021). Toilets save lives. United Nations Sustainable Development Group. https://unsdg.un.org/fr/latest/blog/toilets-save-lives |
↑23 | Bureau d’Ingénierie et de Services Afrique. (2017). Étude sur la Gestion de l’Hygiène Menstruelle (GHM) au Togo. https://www.pseau.org/outils/ouvrages/bornefonden_wsscc_etude_sur_la_gestion_de_l_hygiene_menstruelle_au_togo_2017.pdf |
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↑27 | Berger, S., Kunerl, A., Wasmuth, S., Tierno, P., Wagner, K., & Brügger, J. (2019). Menstrual toxic shock syndrome: case report and systematic review of the literature. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19(9), e313-e321 |
↑29 | Always, marque vendant des produits menstruels industriels. https://www.always.com/en-us |
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↑31, ↑34 | J. Guien (2023). Chapitre 2 – Les tampons jetables. Une histoire de produits menstruels, Divergences |
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↑38 | Législation de l’Union européenne. (2000). Written Question E-3483/00 by Heidi Hautala (Verts/ALE) to the Commission. Code of conduct on the use of menstrual tampons. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:92000E003483&from=IT |
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↑40 | The Bloody Manifesto. https://zerowasteeurope.eu/library/the-bloody-manifesto/ |
↑41 | L. Copello. (2021). The European Parliament calls on health, social and environmental justice for menstruators by supporting safe, fair, and sustainable menstrual products for all, Zero Waste Europe. https://zerowasteeurope.eu/2021/06/the-european-parliament-calls-on-health-social-and-environmental-justice-for-menstruators-by-supporting-safe-fair-and-sustainable-menstrual-products-for-all/ |
↑42 | The Pad project. https://thepadproject.org/ |
↑43 | R. Zehtabchi (2018). Period, end of sentence [court-métrage] |
↑44 | M. Vo (2020). Journée mondiale de l’hygiène menstruelle : en Inde, le tabou des règles renforce les inégalités femmes-hommes. Institut du genre en géopolitique. https://igg-geo.org/?p=1092 |
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↑47 | World Health Organization (2023) Schools ensuring education on menstrual health along with adequate hygiene facilities is key for health and equal learning opportunities. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/30-05-2023-schools-ensuring-education-on-menstrual-health-along-with-adequate-hygiene-facilities-is-key-for-health-and-equal-learning-opportunities |
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↑50, ↑51 | J. Guien (2023) Une histoire de produits menstruels, Divergences |