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Muslim women in India, a double burden? 2/2

Written by: Mihiri WijetungeTranslated by: Zoé Llacer 16/10/2023 India’s social fabric is made up of diverse religious communities, each bringing its own cultural heritage and social norms. In this complex landscape, the…

Muslim women in India, a double burden? 1/2

Written by: Mihiri Wijetunge Translated by: Zoé Llacer 16/10/2023 The 24th of August 2023, footage of a teacher in Uttar Pradesh urging her pupils to take turns beating up a young Muslim…

Moudawana Reform in Morocco: The Long Feminist Struggle

Written by: Mihiri Wijetunge Translated by: Célia Roche 09/11/2023   Almost twenty years after the revision of the Moudawana initiated by King Mohamed VI, he and the government are preparing a new…

Anti-gender policies in post-socialist European countries 2/2

Written by: Ricci Elena  Translated by: Amina Murhebwa 13/11/2023 The profound historical and cultural changes that have affected Europe and more specifically the former Warsaw Pact countries[1]Déclaration des pays membres du Pacte…

Anti-gender policies in post-socialist European countries 1/2

Written by: Ricci Elena Translated by: Amina Murhebwa 13/11/2023 Anti-gender discourse and movements found particularly fertile ground in the post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe from the 20th century. The policies applied against…