30/01/2024 Written by: Anna Lefèvre Translated by: Lou Szabo The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was adopted on December 12, 2006, during the 61st session of the United…
24.01.2023 Written by: Louise Poelaert-Roch Translated by: Sébastien Tiffon Approximately 80000 Chinese women raped by Japanese soldiers in the events that occurred in Nanjing in 1937[1]Chang, I. (1998). The Rape of Nanking:…
Written by: Daphné Basthard Bogain Translated by: Zoé Llacer The vast majority of African countries are facing major socio-economic challenges that continue to affect many segments of their populations. Among the vulnerable…
26/04/2024 Written by: Cecilia Vidotto Labastie Since his 2013 election, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has made the repression of civil society key to maintaining social peace in Egypt. The extremely high inflation…
13/12/2023 Written by: Anna Diaz Translated by: Abra Rosaline On March 12, 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights held the State of Peru responsible for the crime of « hate » and structural…
12/07/2023 Written by: Élise Zamora Translated by: Amina Murhebwa The law to decriminalize abortion in Uruguay was passed in 2012, following feminist mobilizations and the social struggles that accompanied them, making this…
21/12/2023 Written by: Anna Lefevre Translated by: Louise Bia In June 1997 happened the first International Leadership Forum for women with disabilities, sponsored by the UN[1]Doyle B., Berman Bieler A., ed.…
Reading time: 11 minutes 20.09.2023 Nolwenn Bigot “If it were not for the activist, insolent, ambitious and gifted women, we would be deprived of half of the happiness that the most beautiful…
12/03/2024 Anna Franco Women can be peacebuilders, and there is proof. As US researchers Caprioli and Boyer claim, “women work for peace, and men wage war[1]Caprioli, M., & Boyer, M. A. (2001).…
Written by: Mihiri Wijetunge Translated by: Célia Roche 29/11/2023 The People’s Republic of China is currently facing an ageing demographic phenomenon of exceptional speed and scale. According to data collected in…